Submission of Payment Card Receipts

AABS recommends submitting payment card receipts within 7 days of the purchase as a best practice. Payment card receipts must be submitted no later than 29 days from the purchase date to avoid card suspension.

The weekly AABS Accounting Update (you may subscribe here) includes the Concur Payment Card Weekly Unassigned report which shows transactions older than 7 days to assist you in keeping up with the recommended submission guideline and to avoid card suspensions as indicated below:

  1. Transactions outstanding > 30 days – CARD WILL BE RECOMMENDED FOR SUSPENSION
  2. Transactions outstanding 15 - 29 days – IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED
  3. Transactions outstanding 7 - 14 days – Reminder – AABS recommends submitting receipts within 7 days of the purchase as a best practice. 
  4. List of all outstanding transactions older than 7 days with filters for easy sorting by cardholder, department code, etc.